Monday 28 May 2018

Samoan langue Week

Afio Mai to Samoan language Week.

The cultural leaders opened the week with their national costume and dance.
In room 6 we have been exploring the Samoan Cultural with general facts. We searched for our fact card around the room and collected information for our Jigsaw Reading Hunt.
Next our Samoan experts in class gave us a lesson on greetings and phrases in Samoan.

Then we moved onto counting to ten in Samoan for math before finishing our math session with a clapping game in Samoan.












sea turtles

Sea turtles

By Willow

Did you know that sea turtles have been around since the late Jurassic period? Sea turtles are very old, they have some of the oldest life spans. They can live up to 152 years old that is really old! Guess what? Land turtles can put there heads and feet inside their shell but sea turtles can not do that. Sea turtles are amazing creatures here is there life cycle.

Firstly the female sea turtle will lay eggs on the beach up to 50-200. She will dig a hole as deep as her flipper then she puts all her concentration on to laying her eggs. This gives scientists the best opportunity to measure them. Once she has laid all her eggs she will cover up her eggs with sand and then she will leave them never to see them again.

The eggs are the size of a white leathery ping pong balls. After about 6-7 weeks they will hatch but about 20% do not hatch.

When they are about to be born sea turtles will hatch at the same time. Then they squirm to the surface. They are so small they can fit in the palm of your hand. Then they rush to the oceans edge trying to avoid many dangers on the way such as holes, rubbish, crabs and birds

50% do not survive.

The sea turtles swim and try and find a bed of lotsom better known as seaweed to swim under. As they get older they have less predators and more protection but they have a couple of predators like dolphins, sharks and the occasional killer whale.

They are able to breed when they are 20 years of age and then they will start the very long swim back to the same beach they were born.

This is the life cycle of a turtle they have three main stages in there life I hope you have learnt something!

Friday 25 May 2018

Happy birthday Suzanne aburet

Ra Whanau Suzanne Aubert

In room 6 we have been celebrating Suzanne Aubert’s birthday by making flowers for the theme, “Always choose the little flower of hope.”
Suzanne looked after sick people, people with disabilities, children whose families couldn’t care for them, and the elderly. The work she started continues to this day in places like Wellington’s Compassion Soup Kitchen.
Suzanne left her home in France and came to Aotearoa to support the Maori people. She honoured the Maori people, their tikanga, reo and rongoa. Suzanne loved God and always thought about what he wanted her to do, not what she wanted, even when that wasn’t easy.

Monday 21 May 2018

term 2 Week 3

Lights, Camera, Action!

Room 6 presented their learning about not being a bystander at their assembly on Friday week 3. In week 3 all school around New Zealand made a stand by wearing pink. PINK stood for Peaceful, Inclusive, Noble and Kind. Our assembly was a success and we all had fun.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Maori verbs


Maori verbs

In room 6 we have been learning verbs in Maori (action words).The question is' Kei te aha ?'which means what is s/he is doing. ia is the pronoun for both he and she.we have machted verbs up filled

in crosswords

Friday 11 May 2018

I love you mum!!!!!!!!!!


My Handprint
here is my handprint five fingers in all
outside they are short but the middle is
tall you will find them on the windows
you can find them on the walls they will
make a big mess for something so small
one day I will grow and leave them no
more my hand prints will be missed of
that i am sure so here is one now that you
cant wipe away my present to you this
mothers day.

The Ascension of the lord



In RE we lernt about the Ascension of Jesus.At Galilee Jesus told his disciples to take his Gospel to the whole world.He promised to send

the Holy Spirit to be with us always and then he returned in Glory to his farther

in heaven.we used crafts to show how Jesus went bod and soul to Heaven.